
Graphics command center
Graphics command center

graphics command center

The new control panel is designed based on Windows 10 style with XAML UI and Fluent Design elements, taking the use of gamers, home theater enthusiasts, professionals, and everyday tinkerers into account. Take all the guess work out of game and media tuning with visual guidance on what each feature does, and how it impacts your experience. “You told us how confusing ‘tongue twister’ features like tessellation and anisotropic filtering can be to understand, so we created a robust help option tailored to simplifying it all. The incredible new Intel Graphics Command Center app is released to better serve Intel’s users, offering more user-friendly experience and a highly visible and streamlined interface. How’s the Intel Graphics Command Center App?

graphics command center

In view of this, Intel introduces its brand new Graphics Command Center app for Windows 10. Many users should have been tired of this old and boring Graphics Control Panel.

graphics command center

However, the interface of the Graphics Control Panel has been used for many years. March 22th, 2019 - Intel's graphics drivers are always bundled with its Graphics Control Panel, which is used to adjust various display and video settings. Brand New Intel Graphics Command Center App for Windows 10

Graphics command center